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BookTrib's Bites: Four Cozy Reads to Keep You Toasty this Season

(NewsUSA) - ChivalryChivalry by Patrick Girondi

From the eccentric and riveting author/singer/CEO Patrick Girondi, an aspiring author stumbles onto a manuscript that became a bestseller. He must find the true author, a peculiar war vet from Iraq who lives as a homeless person. 
Isa, a Gulf War sergeant, silenced a snitch to save his platoon from a murder rap. He now lives namelessly on the streets of New York, shielded by police, formerly of his old platoon. For now, in limbo, Isa writes books. He spots his daughter, who has no idea who he is, on the bus. Full of emotion, he accidentally forgets a manuscript. 
Bob Herman finds a woman who plagues his dreams and a manuscript he can’t put down. Herman wins Isa’s daughter. To keep her, he needs another bestseller and sets off to find the true author. Purchase at

AbandonedAbandoned by MHR Geer

It should have been enough. In this newest Anne Wilson thriller following the author’s debut “Assumed,” our protagonist had the perfect boyfriend and the perfect Caribbean villa. It should have been her happily-ever-after. But her past overshadows her sunny life. On an impulse, she ditches all of it and flies to Guadeloupe. A new island. A fresh start.

 But starting over is impossible with so many loose ends.

 Only twenty-four hours after Anne arrives in Guadeloupe, Sandy's friend hands her a backpack full of cash, and Anne is plunged back into Sandy's world. When someone breaks into her motel room, Anne goes on the run. Someone knows about the money. Someone wants her off the island. She has to decide: Keep running or risk everything to protect her perfect life? “My characters end up with my flaws, and I get to work through solutions. It's like beta-testing better versions of myself,” the author says. Purchase at

Happiness and HeroismHappiness & Heroism by Y.P.R.

Do you wake up every day with a sense of purpose, inner peace, and knowledge that you are living your very best life? Your emotional state and the actions you choose to take each day are at the very basis of your success as a human being. The ideal state of emotional fulfillment is what author Y.P.R. refers to as Happiness. The ideal form of noble day-to-day action is what he calls Heroism.

Happiness & Heroism: The School of Being, The School of Doing is a two-book series consisting of two letters from a father to his children that impart lessons on loving life and walking a noble path. The first book teaches the philosophy of the fundamental goodness of existence; mindfulness of true reality; humanity’s innate tendencies to feel stress, fear, anger, boredom, and depression—and the antidote. Purchase at

Hop Skip JumpHop Skip Jump! by Mary Giammona MD

It’s a busy grandmother-and-granddaughter day! What shall they do together? Grandma explains how to go hopping, skipping, and jumping for fun and exercise. At the end of an active day, they enjoy a family picnic together.

Mary Giammona, MD, is a Pediatrician, mom, and grandma who loves all children! She finds joy in her two young grandchildren, as well as her daughter, two growngranddaughters, and all her patients. She lives in Southern California with her husband and loves her multicultural family and the diverse nature of the area.

Her mind is full of stories, and Hop Skip Jump! is her debut picture book in the “Having Fun with Grandma” series, with additional titles forthcoming. Children are our future, and Dr. Giammona supports doing everything we can to make children feel valued. Purchase at



BookTrib's Bites: Four Cozy Reads to Keep You Warm this Season

(NewsUSA) - ChivalryChivalry by Patrick Girondi

From the eccentric and riveting author/singer/CEO Patrick Girondi, an aspiring author stumbles onto a manuscript that became a bestseller. He must find the true author, a peculiar war vet from Iraq who lives as a homeless person. 
Isa, a Gulf War sergeant, silenced a snitch to save his platoon from a murder rap. He now lives namelessly on the streets of New York, shielded by police, formerly of his old platoon. For now, in limbo, Isa writes books. He spots his daughter, who has no idea who he is, on the bus. Full of emotion, he accidentally forgets a manuscript. 
Bob Herman finds a woman who plagues his dreams and a manuscript he can’t put down. Herman wins Isa’s daughter. To keep her, he needs another bestseller and sets off to find the true author. Purchase at

AbandonedAbandoned by MHR Geer

It should have been enough. In this newest Anne Wilson thriller following the author’s debut “Assumed,” our protagonist had the perfect boyfriend and the perfect Caribbean villa. It should have been her happily-ever-after. But her past overshadows her sunny life. On an impulse, she ditches all of it and flies to Guadeloupe. A new island. A fresh start.

 But starting over is impossible with so many loose ends.

 Only twenty-four hours after Anne arrives in Guadeloupe, Sandy's friend hands her a backpack full of cash, and Anne is plunged back into Sandy's world. When someone breaks into her motel room, Anne goes on the run. Someone knows about the money. Someone wants her off the island. She has to decide: Keep running or risk everything to protect her perfect life? “My characters end up with my flaws, and I get to work through solutions. It's like beta-testing better versions of myself,” the author says. Purchase at

Agile book coverThe Dark Side of Agile Coaching: Unmasking the Codependent Coach by Angela Doyle

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, agile practices have emerged as a beacon of adaptability and responsiveness. At the heart of this transformative movement stand agile coaches, who guide teams and organizations toward the holy grail of agility. Yet, amidst the noble pursuit of agility, shadowy figures lurk beneath the surface -- codependent coaches who inadvertently hinder a team’s growth. 

Readers embark on a journey of discovery, shedding light on this troubling aspect of agile coaching.  When practiced with mindfulness and discovery, agile coaching has the power to unlock the full potential of teams and organizations. This book identifies the problem and offers solutions, a roadmap to cultivating healthy coaching relationships. Eight essential values behind these relationships serve as a compass for agile coaches to align their work with agile’s core principles. Purchase at

Hop Skip JumpHop Skip Jump! by Mary Giammona MD

It’s a busy grandmother-and-granddaughter day! What shall they do together? Grandma explains how to go hopping, skipping, and jumping for fun and exercise. At the end of an active day, they enjoy a family picnic together.

Mary Giammona, MD, is a Pediatrician, mom, and grandma who loves all children! She finds joy in her two young grandchildren, as well as her daughter, two grown granddaughters, and all her patients. She lives in Southern California with her husband and loves her multicultural family and the diverse nature of the area.

Her mind is full of stories, and Hop Skip Jump! is her debut picture book in the “Having Fun with Grandma” series, with additional titles forthcoming. Children are our future, and Dr. Giammona supports doing everything we can to make children feel valued. Purchase at



Now is the Time to Take Control Before Winter Power Outages

(NewsUSA) - For homeowners across the United States, cold weather can cause heightened concern each winter. Severe weather events themselves threaten safety and comfort, but they are made even more dangerous when ensuing power outages cut off access to much-needed heat and electricity.

With the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicting a wetter winter due to El Nino*, a large area of the US is expected to see above-average precipitation, which could fall in the form of rain, snow or an icy mix of both. These weather events can contribute to power outages during the winter, with the potential to leave people without power for hours or days amidst the cold. High demand for energy in the winter can also put added strain on the electrical grid, threatening the grid’s stability and reliability. Winter outages can often occur at unexpected times, making it essential to be ready ahead of time. According to the recent FEMA 2023 National Preparedness Report, only slightly more than half (51%) of Americans believe they are prepared for a disaster.**

“In the last 10 years of tracking outage data, we've seen almost 20% more households impacted by power outages during the winter months when an El Nino event is active," said Kyle Raabe, president of Consumer Power for Generac. “Managing your household’s plan ahead of time and securing a source of backup power can give homeowners one less worry during times of heightened concern and extreme cold weather events.”

Taking Control Before, During and After Winter Power Outages

If an outage seems imminent…

  • Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting to help preserve perishable foods during an outage.
  • Keep cell phones, laptops and tablets charged. This ensures you have a way to track updates on the weather and have a method of communication if you or a loved one needs help.
  • Fill gas cans to run a portable generator. Along with routine maintenance, this will enable your generator to keep the power on during an outage.
  • Make sure you know how to shut off water valves in your home if a pipe bursts and consider whether you should allow faucets to drip or trickle during cold weather to prevent freezing.

When an outage occurs…

  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed so they maintain an adequate temperature inside.
  • Monitor updates with a radio, television, or online resources like Power Outage Central. Have a battery-powered emergency radio in case you lose access to other methods of communication.
  • If using a portable generator for backup power, follow a plan for safely starting your generator. Never use a generator inside the home or garage, even if doors and windows are open.
  • Evacuate or go to a neighbor’s home if yours is damaged or an emergency official gives the order.

Once power is restored…

  • If there is severe damage to the home or you suspect a gas leak, leave immediately and contact local officials.
  • Make a list of any missing or damaged property. Take photos of the home, yard and street and report any losses to insurance.
  • Check in with loved ones via text messages or social media. Phone systems are often down or busy after a disaster.

More information and seasonal preparedness tips on home backup power solutions and protecting homes and families from cold weather power outages can be found at



The Rise of Microschooling and Educational Innovation in America

(NewsUSA) - Every child has potential, and all children deserve the opportunity to learn, thrive, succeed, and pursue their dreams. However, following the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s students are struggling. Half of all K–12 students are a full grade behind academically. Furthermore, 42% of low-income eighth graders lack basic reading skills and 54% lack basic math skills.

Moms and dads want a more responsive K–12 education system and the freedom to choose how and where their children learn. Over the past year, these parents have mobilized, spoken up, and demanded change. Their efforts compelled lawmakers to listen, leading to increased public and private school choice options across 20 states in 2023.

More American families now have unparalleled opportunities to send their children to different public, charter, magnet, online, and private schools or educate them at home. Cue the rise of microschooling. These innovative learning environments are small and often theme-based, providing a more personalized educational experience. And their popularity is growing.

According to EdChoice, over 39% of school parents nationwide either already have a child enrolled in microschooling or are keen on learning more about its potential.

These schools are both unique and diverse. For example, Black Mothers Forum Microschools, a growing network of microschools in Arizona, aims to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline and replace it with a “school-to-purpose pipeline” through a culturally nuanced and inclusive approach.

Another example is the Prism Microschool in North Newton, Kansas. It offers a distinctive educational experience centered on tailoring each child’s education to their individual needs to nurture creativity and academic growth.

Across the nation, microschools like these are gaining traction. Organizations such as the Vela Education Fund, the National Microschooling Center, and the Yass Prize have been instrumental in shining a spotlight on these alternative models, ensuring that they flourish and grow. National School Choice Week (NSCW), hosted by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation (NSCAF), will showcase the full range of nontraditional models, including microschools, later this month.

Now is the time for both parents and state leaders to look to the future. Parents, I urge you to explore these new educational frontiers. If the traditional school setting doesn’t suit your child, microschooling, or any other nontraditional model, might offer the tailored, engaging experience they need.

As we all collectively look to the future, let’s embrace the potential of innovative educational models. By doing so, we aren’t just changing schools; we’re transforming lives and laying the foundation for future generations—one child at a time.

Andrew Campanella is president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that hosts National School Choice Week each Januaryand the author of The School Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your Child.

Every child has potential, and all children deserve the opportunity to learn, thrive, succeed, and pursue their dreams. However, following the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s students are struggling. Half of all K–12 students are a full grade behind academically. Furthermore, 42% of low-income eighth graders lack basic reading skills and 54% lack basic math skills.

Moms and dads want a more responsive K–12 education system and the freedom to choose how and where their children learn. Over the past year, these parents have mobilized, spoken up, and demanded change. Their efforts compelled lawmakers to listen, leading to increased public and private school choice options across 20 states in 2023.

More American families now have unparalleled opportunities to send their children to different public, charter, magnet, online, and private schools or educate them at home. Cue the rise of microschooling. These innovative learning environments are small and often theme-based, providing a more personalized educational experience. And their popularity is growing.

According to EdChoice, over 39% of school parents nationwide either already have a child enrolled in microschooling or are keen on learning more about its potential.

These schools are both unique and diverse. For example, Black Mothers Forum Microschools, a growing network of microschools in Arizona, aims to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline and replace it with a “school-to-purpose pipeline” through a culturally nuanced and inclusive approach.

Another example is the Prism Microschool in North Newton, Kansas. It offers a distinctive educational experience centered on tailoring each child’s education to their individual needs to nurture creativity and academic growth.

Across the nation, microschools like these are gaining traction. Organizations such as the Vela Education Fund, the National Microschooling Center, and the Yass Prize have been instrumental in shining a spotlight on these alternative models, ensuring that they flourish and grow. National School Choice Week (NSCW), hosted by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation (NSCAF), will showcase the full range of nontraditional models, including microschools, later this month.

Now is the time for both parents and state leaders to look to the future. Parents, I urge you to explore these new educational frontiers. If the traditional school setting doesn’t suit your child, microschooling, or any other nontraditional model, might offer the tailored, engaging experience they need.

As we all collectively look to the future, let’s embrace the potential of innovative educational models. By doing so, we aren’t just changing schools; we’re transforming lives and laying the foundation for future generations—one child at a time.

Andrew Campanella is president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that hosts National School Choice Week each January and the author of The School Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your Child.

Provocative New Book Details Navigating Late-Life Romance from a Man’s Perspective

(NewsUSA) - Think of it as “Sex and the City” with a new twist: from HIS point of view!

It’s a new book by the so-called Mr. X entitled Sex and the Sixty-Something Guy: Online Post to Bed Post, a provocative inside look at navigating the mazes and minefields of New York City’s post-divorce dating scene -- from a decidedly male perspective.

He was in his 50s, a successful businessman, financially set, had settled down early. And now divorced after four decades of marriage, he was about to re-enter the world of dating.

He never could have imagined what awaited him.

From bars to bedrooms, anticipation to disillusionment, and attraction to subtraction, he is now sharing his escapades in great detail under the pseudonym of Mr. X in this tell-all narrative.

Mr. X offers up the book as a cautionary tale to help men navigate the treacherous field of today’s dating environment and help women understand the male mindset and reasons things happen, at least from one man’s vantage point.

But more than that, Mr. X takes readers through more than 100 dates, eight relationships, and 11 trips throughout the world with his significant other du jour. His experiences resemble everything from a candy store to a minefield.

Fresh from a life-changing divorce after decades of marriage, Mr. X provides an unfiltered and insightful male perspective on the complexities of sex and companionship for men over the age of sixty. He unveils the surprises, disappointments, and joys of engaging with potential partners, shattering stereotypes and exposing dating culture's inner workings.

With humor and unflinching honesty, Mr. X navigates the landscape, offering valuable insights for genuine connection-seekers. From intimate conversations in quiet downtown restaurants to encounters of a decidedly more surprising nature, this book captures the challenges and triumphs of midlife dating.

Sex and the Sixty-Something Guy transcends its genre by becoming a heartfelt and modern exploration of personal growth and rediscovery told from a perspective we rarely read today.

The book is clearly appealing to both genres.

“Whether you’re newly divorced or contemplating a divorce, these honest and heartfelt stories and reflections portray a realism that is hard to find elsewhere,” says one Amazon reader. “Although Mr. X tells these stories from his own perspective, there is much to be learned by mature readers of any gender.”

Says another, “It underscores the importance of conversation and illustrates the many ways we connect, or try too hard, or not hard enough. Women will find this book surprising because men don't always care about the things they assume they will, and men will find this book interesting if they ever wonder what single life would be like if they were wealthy and could date anyone they pleased. It's an eye-opening book.”

"Mr. X's raw and humorous take on modern dating is a revelation,” says another reader. “Sex and the Sixty-Something Guy is an eye-opener, dispelling myths about age and romance. A brutally honest journey that's both entertaining and enlightening, offering a fresh perspective on what it means to seek connection in the digital age."

Purchase the book at


GenAI Offers Opportunities to Advance Defense

(NewsUSA) - Advances in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), offer the United States government a unique opportunity to accelerate two key defense goals of preparing for the future character of conflict and strengthening our military overmatch against our international rivals, according to experts at the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), a bipartisan nonprofit organization.

Although the United States has opened a critical technological advantage over the rest of the world with the recent advances in GenAI, this advantage may be fleeting, and a new report from SCSP outlines four critical areas for the Department of Defense (DoD) to consider as priorities to optimize the United States’ advantages.

Enable Decisional Advantage. GenAI shows great promise as a decision aid, and the DoD should identify was to securely integrate GenAI models to promote faster and better informed decision-making in operations centers and weapons platforms.

Enhance Operations. The DoD is already exploring GenAI for predictive maintenance and certain back-office support functions. However, AI-enabled models have potential in many other areas, including logistics and sustainment, investment and divestment, generation of experimental courses of action, and decisions related to global force deployment management.

Develop Talent. GenAI will create demand for new skill sets in areas of defense. The DoD needs to establish policies to recruit, develop, and retain talented individuals who can develop, evaluate, build, and employ GenAI tools for military effects.

Identify New Defenses. GenAI will pose threats to the United States through many channels, including disinformation, as well as from chemical and biological agents. The DoD should identify potential threats and plan for additional defensive measures, notably ways to counter AI-generated attacks of all types from adversaries.

To help manage the potential benefits and risks of GenAI in the area of defense, SCSP also calls on the DoD to build an automated orchestration platform that can access a range of tools and datasets, and to develop defense-specific AI trained in military terms and jargon, but secured to avoid revealing the terms on which they were trained.

Looking ahead to warfare trends, human-machine collaboration and teaming, software advantage, and empowerment of warfighters in battle situations will be affected by advances GenAI, and the United States must take action to optimize its current advantages and apply GenAI for defense, according to SCSP. 

For more information, visit


School Choice: No Longer "If," but "How"

(NewsUSA) - Over the last thirty years, the efforts of parents, educators, and state leaders have laid the foundation for a pluralistic sea change in how we think about the education options available to families in the U.S. But over the last four, things went from incremental to warp speed. In 2023, 20 states added or expanded school choice programs, which, in sum, affected the largest group of eligible families in a single year, ever.

Some of the things most commonly associated with the modern school choice movement, like public charter schools and private school scholarship programs, are as old as I am, dating back to the early 90's. Others, like microschooling and hybrid homeschooling, have exploded in popularity due to the decidedly different lifestyles of the 2020s.

With so much change, it is critical that parents around the country understand the new landscape in American education. Events like National School Choice Week, a celebration organized by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation and happening nationwide from January 21-27, can be the perfect place for parents to explore changing options.

What does school choice look like in the country today? 33 states ensure parents can choose a traditional public school other than the one to which they're assigned, making it mandatory in at least some cases. 46 states (Montana being the newest) allow charter schools. All 50 states offer public magnet schools. 31 states offer private school choice programs. 35 states have a free, full-time online public school option for students. And the number of homeschooled students has nearly doubled in the last 7 years, now topping 3.1 million.

Today, the question for families is not whether they have school choice, but how they will utilize these transformative opportunities. By understanding the array of options, making personalized choices based on each unique child, and collaborating with educators, parents hold the key to shaping a future where every child has the chance to thrive. School choice is not just a policy; it's a pathway to a more personalized and empowering educational experience for our children and all families have the right to choose what's best for their kids.

Shelby Doyle, based in Nashville, TN, is the vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that hosts National School Choice Week each January and maintains the nation’s largest online portfolio of English- and Spanish-language school navigation resources.


New Guidance Helps Expand Blood Donation Pool

(NewsUSA) - Thought you weren’t eligible to give blood? Updated guidance is making it possible for more people to donate than ever.

Blood donations are essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries.[1] But only 3% of eligible Americans give blood each year.[1] Recent federal guidance may help change that. In May 2023, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) eliminated its previous blanket waiting period for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and women who have sex with MSM. The agency now recommends individual donor screening assessments to establish eligibility.[2],[3]

“This change represents a shift toward a more inclusive and science-based approach to blood donation eligibility,” says Dr. Kamille West-Mitchell, chief of the blood services section in the transfusion medicine department at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. “It acknowledges that the focus should be on assessing individual risk factors for bloodborne infections rather than making exclusions based on sexual orientation.”

Other groups who are eligible to donate blood and may not know it include teens who are at least 16 years old (in most states) and people whose chronic conditions are being controlled through treatment.[4],[5]

Under the new guidance, all prospective blood donors, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, will now answer questions about their sexual history to determine whether they are at high risk for HIV. If a prospective donor has had a new sexual partner or more than one sexual partner and had anal sex in the past three months, they will be deferred temporarily.[6] Prospective donors taking medications to prevent or reduce the likelihood of HIV infection (PrEP or PEP) may also be deferred because those drugs may delay detection of HIV.[6]

An equitable donor screening process is critical for a safe and reliable blood supply system,[6] and FDA officials say that the new requirements will continue to ensure the safety of both donors and recipients.[6],[7]

In the meantime, the demand for blood remains constant. Blood banks across the country urgently need donors of all types. But some are in particular demand. For example, Black blood donors can help Black patients with rare blood types who often need blood donated by someone of the same race.

Interested in making a lifesaving difference? Become a donor.

For more information, visit the NHLBI’s Blood Diseases & Disorders Education Program.


[1]Facts About Blood Supply In The U.S. | Red Cross Blood Services

[2]Blood Donation by Gay and Bisexual Men (

[3]Recommendations for Evaluating Donor Eligibility Using Individual Risk-Based Questions to Reduce the Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission by Blood and Blood Products | FDA

[4]Blood Donation Eligibility Requirements | Red Cross Blood Services

[5]Questions About Donating Blood | Red Cross Blood Services

[6]ABC FAQ on FDA's IDA Change (

[7]Inclusive Blood Donation Guidelines Updated | Red Cross Blood

What you should expect from Intel's new AI processors

(Vanessa Vasquez, Editor-in-Chief NewsUSA Tech) - Intel’s Meteor Lake introduced A.I. chips that brought in a new type of A.I. power dedicated specifically to A.I. processing, the Neural Processing UnA.I. It was designed to work similarly to the human brain, with many nerve cells and synapses to transmit and receive signals. The end result is a processor that outperforms any CPU or GPU. Rolling out to laptops before desktops or mobile platforms, Intel looks to bring A.I. directly onto consumers’ PCs, giving end users better privacy, lower latency, and bypassing the need to pay for third-party services.


Story by Vanessa Vasquez, Editor-in-Chief NewsUSA Tech


The Video Game Awards 2023: winners and announcements for the upcoming year

(Vanessa Vasquez, Editor-in-Chief NewsUSA Tech) - The Video Game Awards is a highly-anticipated ceremony often held in the early weeks of December. To no one’s surprise, Baldur’s Gate 3 won a game of the year at the recently concluded Video Game Awards for 2023. Cyberpunk 2077 also won best ongoing game, with Resident Evil Village bringing home the award for best VR/AR. With the continuous evolution, These awards would highlight the industry’s creative diversity and technological advancements.

Story by Vanessa Vasquez, Editor-in-Chief NewsUSA Tech


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